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Saturday, March 20, 2010

Bribery in Business

Bribe is a very common illegal practice done by people in power or who have authoritative power which they misuse by taking bribe.Why do such officials take bribe and why do anyone bribe them?

We all know that people in business try to bribe the officials to get their work done as fast as it could and if there are any shortcomings in their project,it would better be ignored.

This kind of attitude leads to bribery.But what is the problem of bribe from the side of officials?Is it low amount of salary or very less facilities offered or they just want to fulfill their every desire and can go to every extent?

I guess they are in the kind of atmosphere where they has been a tradition of taking bribe which is why it is being followed.Due to the maximum majority is in support of the bribe(not sure),those who do not support this activity or illegal cause are either transferred or pressurized by higher authorities as they all are capable of suspending and terminating them.This is the system prevailing in our nation in my opinion.

I think it is a general opinion of the youth.If you come to know or you watch any official taking bribe or any person offering bribe,please request them equally to follow the proper procedure.If they are really concerned about the coming generation and have good hearts they would definitely try atleast.

Just make a simple request but don't fall into any argument.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Biased Media

Most of the people know that media is biased.Media never highlight the shortcoming of the government in power or their drawbacks and also the misuse of power delegated to them by the general public.

Media create their own stories to raise their TRP's and viewers.They highlight accused so much that the accused already becomes convicted of the crime in the eyes of people,the crime which the accused might had not committed.They sell news,they never telecast true facts as they fear the consequences which might result into the end of their news business.They fear government and politicians and they do not intent to make the misdeeds of corrupt and criminal officials public.

Our nation is turning into a money making platform where moral ethics have no value and believed to be thrown into the garbage can than pursuing it diligently.

Media never comes openly against any political party which is in power.They indeed show opposition misdeeds as those are government motivated and by following their given directions they may gain something in return.They have lost all moral values which our forefathers carried it with pride and called one as a true Indian.

I request you all that whenever anyone of you watch news,try to collect adequate information about that subject and then make judgement or form any kind of opinion.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Government Expenditure

Government expenditure shown in the books of accounts are never analysed with the perspective of efficient usage or if done rarely come to the light of genera public.We need an open system where every single person can access to the information of government spending.We all know that the RTI Act 2005 fulfills all those requirements but why do we need to file RTI,why the government do not make it mandatory.

Questions keeps on arising in the minds of general public but those goes unheard as they don't have enough time to either convey because they have to work to earn or those who do find time do not get sufficient response.

It is this system that the youth of this country has to change.Corruption at every level has to be eliminated with the initiative of every person.We need to cultivate a good legal environment in to the atmosphere where justice prevails.
To do all that one cannot go all alone as there are many to stop it but what about the masses.

Do not worry about the consequences of being the righteous.Worry about being the sinner.Youth do not have experience but they have energy to transform environment.Do not support injustice.Do not bow down infront of corruption.Try to persuade officials to end the corruption by being more vigilant.

Most importantly try to help people whom you think actually needs it.Try to change the atmosphere of the bad into good.Collective measures can bring good reforms.

Friday, March 12, 2010


Provocation is a kind of activity mostly used by politicians.Without provoking the public no politician can gain substantial votes.Provocation can either be for positive outcome or for negative.Negative outcome can only take place if there is any personal or political gain is associated with the provocation.

It is upon public to analyze and form the opinion whether the provoking politician wants to utilize and capitalize their votes for their personal gains at the cost of millions of people's life or they want some better leader to lead them who would pay considerable attention to their problems and also solve them out.

Unfortunately rural area people are not that smart to understand that their tricks and strategy.They need help in the form of information.Educated and enthusiastic people can help them out by reaching upto them and explaining the pros and cons of different issues and their actual outcomes.Consequences can be explained to them regarding different issues.

What we need is initiative by youngsters.We need people.We need support.

Our nation needs us.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Women reservation

Our we still living in reservation era.Why do we need reservation?Why anybody needs reservation?

Are people asking for women reservation?Why are our politicians so eager to bring such act?

I am not only talking about women reservation but every kind of reservation prevailing in our current system.At the time of our independence the nation's conditions were different and it was important to get the reservation system into place but those who implemented at that time had set the deadline for it so that it might end and give equal opportunities to everyone.But what we see that our politicians keep on extending the deadline by every 10 years to gain vote bank.Circumstances have changed in urban areas and there is a need to develop the rural areas not by reservation but by providing them quality of education.

Why are we so addicted to reservation?Do you feel proud to get reservation as those who are offering you are doubting on your skills and talents?

Have a thought.

Monday, March 8, 2010


Power is something that everyone in the world wants.As it is known to everyone that power should be conferred to those who are capable and know the actual utility of it but unfortunately it is either purchased or snatched.We never try to bring those in power who are really capable of making the best use of it and that too more efficiently.

Why is it so?It is because people are not well educated and do not understand the consequences of disposing such high powers into the hands of incapable and least deserving candidates.Another problem is that people who are in power or are influential enough do not want them to get educated as it would threaten their future positions.This party wants to ask them that why do they do such things.We are not putting any kind of allegations but are sincerely demanding answers for these questions which keeps on hitting our mind when we come to some harsh reality.

Our politicians must understand that by getting power and flooring away money from  government treasury may get them personal gain but at the cost of other people development.Our politicians needs to awakened that they still have emotions left in them only they need is to realize it again.

I request on the behalf of this virtual party to every single person in power to execute their discretionary powers to the utmost development of every single individual.This is a request of a true citizen.We have no personal grudges against anyone,we are just requesting for the development of those who are still not developed.

Our authorities are capable and efficient but only they require is emotional presence in their mind for the public.As this organisation hopes that our politicians would soon show their worth.

Best of Luck!

Jai Hind!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

What conscience?

Never do anything against conscience even if the state demands it.


We keep on hearing about  conscience a lot of time but we never try to understand and implement on ourselves.What is conscience?Conscience is an ability or a faculty that distinguishes whether one's actions are right or wrong(wiki).

When we talk about right or wrong many point out politicians first then bureaucrats and afterwards government officials.We are also the part of same system then why do not we count ourselves among them.It is because we do not commit the wrong at such a large scale but do we realize that the size of population of common people as ours do wrong things then it would be much larger than those corrupt officials.

When we break rules like traffic rules,many offer some amount of money to the official dealing or charging them some penalty.To get away easily many of us give them money so as to not to make it official and to save our time as well.It is this that makes our system vulnerable to corruption.

We all need to practice law and order respectfully with the conscience awakened in ourselves.

(Please comment on posts as it encourages to write more)