New India does not mean that another India is in the making but yes it is being remade.We as the youth of this country are redefining the image of India with various contributions in different fields.What we have to work on is to change the realty of 'actual India' and by this i mean to eliminate 'poverty','corruption','inequality' which exists in our society.These three major changes are required to make India a developed country.As development include other important factors but if we attain this goal then others would automatically get in the line of action and one day it can be achieved.
Great leaders like Sardar Patel,Lal bahadur shastri,Subhash Chandra Bose,Madhav Rao Scindhia,Atal Bihari Vajpayee,Rajiv Gandhi and many more like them had the vision of developed India but they did not know that they were leading those people who were not interested in one common interest.
If you all have noticed that our nation has several national and regional political parties who have their own different ideologies but none among them is common.They do not have one common goal,common interest,unity.We are all divided and have no common purpose or goal.Why is it so?
Our we not mature enough to come to a common conclusion or is it that we do not want to reach one.
We need one common vision with one common objective and that is development of human society.Religion,caste and traditional practices must be strictly kept outside developmental decisions.If society is gaining something or if it is benefiting by few changes then we must think about it as a human rather than a orthodox religious person.We must not hurt anyone's religious sentiments and at the same time no religious leader should interfere in the policies of government.No religion teaches malpractice or dishonesty or any kind of forceful activity.No religion should be targeted at all.We all must respect each other equally and if one cannot then that person certainly has no right to be a part of civilized society.We have to speak rough sometimes to let other understand the need of an hour.We can have unity if we want one.
One vision and one common goal is very important in the process of development.
Look Beyond Yourself Before It’s Too Late
2 hours ago
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